Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tuesday night at the convention

I can't decide which speech I liked the best...toss up between Ann Romney and Chris Christie. Both were great!  This was a great first night of speeches.  
The day was extremely long but so worth it with the list of superior speakers like Governor Bob McDonnell, Governor Scott Walker and Senator Rick Santorum. Governor Kasich kept the entire Ohio Delegation on their feet with his very energetic speech. He let everyone know the great things he has been doing in Ohio and how unemployment in this state is down and things are getting better here. He said that in Ohio we were following the method of "tax, spend and duck," which is what many politicians do to avoid tough issues. He has a different approach to take things head on. Since becoming Governor he has balanced the budget without a tax increase in the state of Ohio.  This definitely had people cheering with appreciation. 

Ann Romney gave a very personal perspective about her life and her marriage to Mitt which was very touching. I just learned that she had never given a public speech like this before and I would never have guessed that based on the great job and how comfortable she seemed. She spoke about the challenges and hard times of their married lives and the joys of raising her family. She said that although people say she and Mitt have a storybook marriage it's really not true - but they have a real marriage!  She spoke with such love and such passion about her husband.  She then said that "America needs Mitt. This is the man who will wake up every day with the determination to solve the problems that others say can't be solved, to fix what others say is beyond repair. This is the man who will work harder than anyone so that we can work a little less hard."  

Governor Christie really had the place on their feet.  The New Jersey Republican is so impressive. He has been successful in Jersey with balancing the budget and lowering taxes - when most people didn't think it could happen. He sees Mitt Romney as the man we need to really be a leader for our country.   
He hit it dead on when he said "It's been easy for our leaders to say not us, and not now, in taking on the tough issues.  And we've stood silently by and let them get away with it.....We are demanding that our leaders stop tearing each other down, and work together to take action on the big things facing America."

Overview of Convention floor from nosebleed seats

Many of the speeches Tuesday night were really focused on family and had an emphasis on the role of the Mother in our families.  I loved when Gov. Christie spoke about his Mom being tough as nails and the driver of the family.  Ann Romney gave a lot of credit to women and especially to Moms. "It's the Moms of this nation -- single, married, widowed -- who really hold this country together." 

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