Monday, August 27, 2012

No session but plenty of speakers!

This morning kicked off with a breakfast hosted by Congressman Tiberi.  His guest speakers today included Senator Rob Portman, Josh Romney and Ari Fleischer.  

We are so lucky to have Rob Portman in the Senate!  He spoke about his great memories of Neil Armstrong and their friendship.  It was so moving. Ari Fleisher then spoke and made the point that we need to "send a jolt of economic adrenaline back into this economy that creates jobs, provides opportunities, lifts people out of poverty....delivers the growth that America has always excelled at. But under President Obama we failed that."  

I think everyone in the room agreed! Finally, Josh Romney spoke about his Dad and how he sees him as his hero.  He also spoke about his Mom and the importance of all that she did for her family.  It was so nice to listen to him talk about their family values and the closeness of the Romney family.  

A little later in the day we were honored to have a visit from former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.  He spoke to us about the state of our economy and the importance of energy to this country.  He explained that North Dakota is now the 2nd largest oil producer in the country.  We need to be more reliant on energy within this country and not dependent on those in other countries. We need to utilize the energy resources off our shores and under our feet.  Very interesting speech and so great to hear from him. 

After Newt's speech wrapped up we were told there was a tornado warning right here so we had to sit tight for a while.  Despite the rain and weather problems it was obvious that our Ohio delegation was focused and energized with the task of nominating Romney and Ryan!  

Session will actually take place tomorrow since the we cancelled today.  
Next up for today:  A reception hosted by Speaker Batchelder and Senate President Neihaus.

1 comment:

  1. Great point by Gingrich. Domestic productivity needs to increase. Also, the regulations need to be loosened so new refineries can be built in a timely manner to help more efficiently process the crude oil. It's refreshing to hear what this country and it's people can do. During the last four years, the citizens of this great country kept hearing the President say what we couldn't do and what we shouldn't be doing. Our leaders need to stick up for thier constituents.
